Thursday 29 June 2017

Food poisoning

Today was a bit of a shit day. Literally. I was awake pretty much all night with food poisoning, vomited into a bin and slept on the bathroom floor for a while. Cute! I finally got to sleep about 7am and slept pretty much all day, taking a break about 4pm to walk to the shops for some crisps. I started to feel better in the evening but couldn't manage to do anything except sleep. This was really annoying because I'm off to Goa tomorrow and wanted to have a good last day with the other volunteers but thought it was better not to push myself. Another girl has the same thing and she was part of the group we went away with this weekend, so we think that is was probably something we picked up there. Sorry for the very boring post but hey this is the reality of travelling!

Laura x

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